How To Convert Your CGPA to Percentage: The Complete Guide

What is CGPA and How to Convert it to Percentage ?

CGPA, or Cumulative Grade Point Average, is a system of measuring academic performance that is used in many countries around the world. The CGPA is calculated by taking the average of all grade points earned during a course of study. The percentage is simply a measure of how well you have done in comparison to others who have taken the same exam.

The first step in converting your CGPA to percentage is to find out what your country’s equivalency scale is. This can be found easily by doing a quick Google search. For example, in India, a CGPA of between 0 and 100 would translate to a percentage of between 35 and 100%. In Pakistan, however, the equivalency scale is different – a CGPA of 0 to 100 would translate to a percentage of 40 to 100%.

Once you know your country’s equivalency scale, the next step is to find out your CGPA. This can usually be found on your transcript or report card. Once you have your CGPA, simply apply the appropriate formula to calculate your percentage. For example, if you CGPA to percentage have a CGPA of 80 and you are in India, your percentage would be (80/100) x 100 = 80%.
Difference Between CGPA and Percentage

It’s important to note that there is a difference between CGPA and percentage. Your CGPA is a measure of how well you have done academically in comparison to others who have taken the same exam.

However, your percentage is a measure of how well you have done in comparison to the general population. In other words, your CGPA is a measure of how smart you are, while your percentage is a measure of how hard you have worked.
CGPA to Percentage Conversion Formula

The CGPA to Percentage conversion formula is very simple and is as follows:

Percentage = (CGPA/Max. CGPA) x 100

For example, if your CGPA is 80 and the maximum possible CGPA is 100, then your percentage would be (80/100) x 100 = 80%. In Pakistan, the CGPA is out of 40 instead of 100, so the formula would be:

Percentage = (CGPA/Max. CGPA) x 100

For example, if your CGPA is 32 and the maximum possible CGPA is 40, then your percentage would be (32/40) x 100 = 80%. As you can see, the CGPA to percentage conversion formula is very simple and easy to use!


So there you have it – the complete guide to converting your CGPA to percentage! We hope this has been helpful and that you now have a better understanding of how to do this conversion. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below and we will be happy to help! Thank you for reading!

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